Aimed at pre-start-ups and start-up businesses based in Lancashire and trading less than 3-years, the 4-night programme, part of the BOOST Flying Start Programme, will support you in pulling together your strategy for 2022 and beyond.
Boost Flying Start Programme
Your strategy for 2022 and beyond
I am looking to work with ambitious entrepreneurs within Lancashire trading less than 3-years, or looking to start a business, who would welcome the opportunity to gain some structure and support for the coming year. I’ll be leading the sessions, providing advice and support in tackling your business, sales and marketing challenges. The focus of the sessions will be to:
- share with you sales strategies that are used by successful businesses to encourage people to buy,
- marketing strategies and platforms to increase visibility of your business,
- creating a marketing plan for the coming 12-months that will provide you with focus and
- to answer any specific questions you have regarding your own business challenges
Programme Structure
By committing 100% to the 4-night programme, entrepreneurs find the journey enlightening, engaging, exciting and effective. Challenges will be addressed, ideas generated, strategies implemented, with accountability throughout the journey.
What is the Boost Flying Start Programme?
Boost is Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub and is led by the Lancashire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) and Lancashire County Council and supported by funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
As a funded business support service, Boost helps Lancashire business owners and leaders navigate the local, regional and national public and private sector business support landscape, to find the right support for their business. Boost also delivers a number of funded programmes for start-up, established and fast-growing businesses.
Boost’s fully funded Flying Start Programme is designed to support individuals and SMEs in Lancashire achieve their growth aspirations and be better equipped to deal with challenges in areas such as sales, marketing, finance, business planning and recruitment.
I Am Interested...
If you would like to have the opportunity to work with me to address your challenges, then please complete the form. The online evening programme is set out as follows:
- Monday 13th December – 6pm-8:30pm
- Tuesday 14th December – 6pm-8:30pm
- Wednesday 15th December 6pm-8:30pm
- Thursday 16th December 6pm-8:30pm
NOTE: You must be able to attend ALL four online sessions